Saturday, 17 August 2013

What to do in the first meeting with a Girl

Chapter I

Most of the people get hopeless due to the very less outcome from the first meeting. Another way of saying it is that their expectations are very high.
Note: The first meeting is always a disaster.

Believe it or not, a girl is always subconsciously judging a guy in the first time she meets him; and the entire meter of judging depends upon her relationship status. If she is single, every guy walking around is a potential contender; and if she is committed as well as satisfied with her relationship, the guy she
is going to meet won't be much of contenders but the best of them will still have the power to meet her eye and attention.
In the first meeting, the numbers of things that make it impossible to impress her are:

- The girl’s expectations are high as hell. She never imagines in her mind to take it slow, or maybe something like, "I should take more than just a meeting to know this guy and pass my judgement of him". Such a thing will never cross in her mind. She is the Queen.
- The guy doesn't know anything about her except for the very basics.
Always remember: The key features to a conversation are the girl's interest, her current job/subjects, what she wants to do with her life, and ET cetera. Now, you can't be personal, and you can't be commenting/ discussing about her likes and interests as you are totally unsure of what might make her angry. Asking personal questions about her relationship only shows that you are here to hit on her and you are a schmuck.
Note: Never ever ask a girl about her relationship status. In fact, don't even go close to that area. Show her that it's none of your business and even if she is interested to talk about it, you are not.
- Guys are generally inspired by this idea, - of portraying the perfect man. They get this idea from movies or novels, learning how the Hero, in a minute, gets the girl just hanging around him, in the very first conversation. For example: in James Bond movies. Now, watching similar scenarios, unfortunately, even the very smart guys tend to lose their real golden identity and adopt this self-made James Bond like image (of a classic man), and think of similar scenarios.
Fact: That isn't impossible to pull off. But to do it, you got to have a confidence level of 100%. And not just confidence level, you'd have to woo at least 50 girls and then believe you can pull off such a gimmick.
Note: Please don't think such experiences are possible and can be pulled off. If you do such a thing which ninety percent of males do; she'll very nicely have that conversation with you, make you feel comfortable, and after she has left, she'd call one of your mutual friends and tell her that you are the biggest idiot she has ever known and will avoid you till eternity. And don't be surprised; if you are lucky, you might get the luxury of meeting the brand of women who don't even call a mutual friend; they simply tell you what they feel on your face.

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