Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Steps to attract any girl

Step I - Friendship
Step II - Be her best friend.
Step III - Build a story
Step IV - Whatever you are doing, You are doing great.

Step V - Check where you stand
Now you from here you have to understand by this time, some problems would naturally emerge in the mind of her boyfriend. But if you have come this far, you are very close to victory. How to check where she places you:
- Call her in the night or anytime she is talking to her boyfriend on the phone, see if she picks your call over him or not.
- Does she hang out with you more than what is normal?
- Does she share with you everything that is going in the relationship?
If the answer is negative, then improvise. You have to have the level of amusement she is demanding that will help you precede her boyfriend. Note: Do your homework. Don't try coming out all random and spontaneous, even the greatest players do their homework.

Step VI - It is Cool.
In this step, you start challenging the restrictions placed by her boyfriend. You don't openly say anything, for example:
- If she says that her boyfriend is very liberal and lets her do anything she wants.
You say: Do you know what that means? It means either he is not serious for you or he is seeing other girls at the same time, both ways - he is not serious for you. Just imagine male psyche for a second, do you think a guy who loves a girl like insanely, won't impose his possession or set limits?
When you do that, although she may shout to prove that this isn't true, she would get confused.
- If she says that her boyfriend doesn't allow her to do ______ (put anything), you simply give the most biggest expression of surprise and frown.
You say: If he loves you truly, he'd accept you as you are, and if there was anything in you that had to be changed or compromised, then why don't I just call you his robot?
Work both the ways, but put in her mutiny day by day. Don't be extreme because you don't want her to be mentioning your name in between of a fight with her boyfriend.

Step VII - Ask her the question / Confuse her.
Now is the time to ask her the big question -
Do you really love him? Don't just say yes, remember the times you have been in love strongly and how it all ended one day, so clearly differentiate between love and final love, and then say - Do you think this guy is the guy of your life?
Don't be bothered what the answer she gives. It doesn't matter.
Give the answer yourself - "I don't think so. I know more than you know about yourself, and although you might claim this isn't true, it is.
Start picking out the problems she has with him - "what about smoking/ what about not understanding you/ what's with his anger, god knows he might even hit you someday/ what's with him talking to girls is fine, and you talking guys is a crime/ ____ (fill yours). "
Ask her questions like - Tell me something, if you hadn't ever met him but met me instead, would you have fallen for me? And answer this logically. (act as if it's an intellectual question)

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